Munson Township

​​Munson Planning and Zoning
Board Minutes
December 2, 2014

The bi-monthly board meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Chairman, Orville Willenbring, with the following members present: Larry Massmann, Fred Lemke, Mike Behnen, Matt Burg and Clerk/ Zoning Administrator Lynn Burg.

Minutes were read from the October 2, 2014 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read, was made by Massmann, seconded by Behnen. Carried 5-0.

Willenbring talked that they needed to elect a new Chairman.
Lemke thought that Willenbring was doing a good job and he should continue. Behnen talked about why they changed the Chairman each year
Burg said that the Vice-Chair usually moves up to Chairman. Willenbring said that he did some reading that they don’t have to move the Vice–Chair up that they can elect whoever they would like.
A motion to re-elect Willenbring as Chairman was made by Lemke, seconded by Massmann. Orville Carried 5-0.
A motion to have Behnen as Vice-Chair was made by Burg, seconded by Massmann. Carried 5-0
Burg asked if Willenbring could check with the Town board on if the Planning and Zoning could get involved with variances again.
Burg and Behnen talked about coming up with things to talk about.
Willenbring will check with Stearns County on new things they could work on.
A motion to adjourn was made by Massmann, seconded by Behnen. Carried 5-0.

Submitted by,
Lynn Burg
Planning and Zoning Ad.

October 2, 2014
Munson Planning and Zoning
Board Minutes
October 2, 2014

The bi-monthly board meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Chairman, Orville Willenbring, with the following members present: Larry Massmann, Fred Lemke and Clerk/ Zoning Administrator Lynn Burg. Absent Mike Behnen and Matt Burg

Minutes were read from the August 7, 2014 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read, was made by Massmann, seconded by Lemke. Carried 3-0.

There were no new issues to discuss at this time.
A motion to adjourn was made by Massmann, seconded by Lemke. Carried 3-0
Submitted By,
Lynn Burg

Planning and Zoning Minutes
August 7, 2014
Munson Planning and Zoning
Board Minutes
August 7, 2014

The bi-monthly board meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Chairman, Orville Willenbring, with the following members present: Matt Burg, Larry Massmann, Fred Lemke, Mike Behnen and Clerk/ Zoning Administrator Lynn Burg,

Minutes were read from the June 5, 2014 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read, was made by Burg, seconded by Massmann. Carried 5-0.

Willenbring talked to Angie Berg at Stearns County about Geo Thermal, Solar and wind Energy. Stearns County will take care all issues on this.
Behnen reminded everyone about the primary Election that would be coming up on August 12.
A motion to adjourn was made by Burg, seconded by Lemke. Carried 5-0.
Submitted by,
Lynn Burg

June 2014
Munson Planning and Zoning
Board Minutes
June 5, 2014

The bi-monthly board meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Chairman, Orville Willenbring, with the following members present: Matt Burg, Larry Massmann, Fred Lemke, and Clerk/ Zoning Administrator Lynn Burg,

Minutes were read from the April 3, 2014 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read, was made by Massmann, seconded by Lemke. Carried 4-0.Carried.

The minutes from April and May Town Broad meeting that pertained to the Planning and Zoning Broad were read.
First order of business brought up by Willenbring on driveways being on property lines. Burg talked about if a property owner while blowing snow gets rocks on another property owners land that they should be responsible on picking these rocks up (but really no way to enforce this) . Massmann talked about telling property owners where to put the driveway, but come to the decision that this would not work on all properties as property owners need to put driveways closer to property lines do to lot sizes. Burg recommended that each plat be looked at and recommendation would be given.
A motion was made by Lemke to give recommendation to property owners on each plat, seconded by Massmann. Carried 4-0
Burg brought up about Geo Thermal, solar and wind energy on if we should address any zoning issues with this becoming more popular. Willenbring suggested that they talk to the Town Board members. Burg suggested they get more information on Geo Thermal, solar and wind energy. Willenbring will get more information from the County and bring to the next meeting.
Willenbring talked about annexation agreement with the city of Richmond. The board discussed if there is anything the township could do to get reimbursed from the city for the properties that are being annexed into the city. The understand is that the township should be reimbursed from the city for 7 years when a property is annexed into the city. No more discussion.
A motion to adjourn was made by Burg, seconded by Massmann. Carried 4-0.

Submitted by,
Lynn Burg
Planning and Zoning Admin.

April 3, 2014
Planning and Zoning Minutes
April 3, 2014

The bi-monthly meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM, by Chairman, Orville Willenbring, with the following members present: Larry Massmann, Fred Lemke, Secretary, Boni Behnen.
Absent: Mike Behnen, Lynn Burg, & Matt Burg

Minutes were read from the February 6, 2014 meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read, was made by Massmann, seconded by Lemke. Carried 3-0.

Town Board minutes were read.

The notes from Bob Ruppe concerning the setting up of a protocol for appointing new P&Z board members were read. After a lengthy discussion, a motion was made by Massmann, seconded by Lemke, to advertize in the Cold Spring Record and Paynesville Press asking for interested persons to send a letter of interest and qualifications to the clerk. Carried 3-0. A list will be developed in order as received. The P&Z board will recommend this policy to the town board.

Discussed possible changes in how the P&Z board is managed.

A motion to adjourn was made by Lemke, seconded by Massmann. Carried 3-0.

Respectfully submitted by,
Boni Behnen, Clerk

Planning & Zoning Minutes
February 6, 2014
Munson Township
Planning and Zoning Minutes
February 6, 2014

The bi-monthly Planning and Zoning meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Chairman, Orville Willenbring, with the following members present: Matt Burg, Mike Behnen, Larry Massmann, Fred Lemke, Zoning Ad., Lynn Burg, and Secretary, Boni Behnen.

Minutes from the December 6, 2013 meeting were read and approved with a motion by Burg, seconded by Massmann. Carried 5-0.

Minutes from the Munson Township Board Meetings on December 16, 2013 and January21, 2014 were read.

Munson Township Supervisor, Jack Stang was present to discuss developing a protocol for appointing new P&Z Board members. Burg asked Stang “How are we too clicky?”( Referring to the T B meeting minutes from December) Stang stated that he thought that the P&Z Board members were all picked by Dan Holthaus and that they were all his buddies. Burg denied that that was true. Willenbring said that the procedure had always been the same as what had happened with Lemke's appointment. Persons that had showed interest in being on the board had been invited to the P&Z meeting and had been voted in that night. All of the present members on the P&Z board agreed that that was how they had been appointed. Stang and Behnen both thought that if one appointee was present the other one (Christopher Prior) should have been present as well. Behnen also stated that he had been asked after the December meeting, why he was against appointing Lemke. Behnen said that he had nothing against Lemke, he was merely questioning the way that it was done. Stang said that he was offended by the process and would like to see a procedure that was more fair and that gave all interested parties the same chance. Stang had inquired what process the other townships in the area used to appoint new members. He said that all of the ones that he contacted published a notice two times in the local newspapers requesting persons interested in board membership to contact the clerk to be considered. After a lengthy discussion it was decided to publish two consecutive weeks, 10 days before the meeting. The board will develop a questionnaire for interested persons to fill out. The board had questions about how to proceed from there. Should they vote on the appointee that night or wait until the following meeting, could their votes be private, can they close the meeting to discuss the candidates and vote in private? What would their options be? Boni will contact Bob Ruppe, township attorney, concerning the legalities. The matter will be taken up at the meeting in April.

Time sheets for the March payroll were turned in to the clerk.

At 8:45, a motion to adjourn was made by Burg, seconded by, Behnen. Carried 5-0.

Respectfully submitted,
Boni Behnen, Clerk

Munson Township Planning And Zoning Minutes 2013

Planning and Zoning Minutes
Munson Township
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
December 5, 2013

The Planning and Zoning bi-monthly meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Vice-Chairman, Orville Willenbring with the following members present: Mike Behnen, Larry Massmann, Matt Burg, Zoning Ad., Lynn Burg, and Secretary. Boni Behnen
Absent: Chairman, Dave Thielen.

Minutes from the August 1, 2013 meeting were read and approved with a motion by Burg, seconded by Behnen. AIF. Motion carried.

Munson Township Board minutes from September 16, October 21, and November 18, 2013 were read.

Old Business: A resignation letter from Dave Thielen was read. His resignation had been accepted by the township board on November 18, 2013.

New Business: Massmann asked Lynn if she had received a phone call from a lady from St Cloud. Massmann had told her to call Lynn. Lynn had talked with the woman and gave her info about lot sizes by the lake etc.

Fred Lemke was present at the meeting. He had been invited by Willenbring as a possible replacement for Dave Thielen. Lemke had shown interest in a board position 3 years earlier. Christopher Prior had called Boni indicating that he would also be interested in being on the board. Behnen questioned how the board member would be chosen for recommendation since there were two people. Willenbring stated that the board would go with Lemke because he had shown interest years earlier. With a motion from Burg, second by Massmann, the P&Z Board recommended Fred Lemke for membership on the board. Carried 4-0. If approved by the Munson Township Board, Lemke will replace Thielen, whose position was ending in 2013. As Vice-Chair, Orville will become the Chairman in 2014. Massmann made a motion to appoint Burg as Vice-Chair in 2014, seconded by Willenbring. Motion carried 4-0.

At 8:30, a motion to adjourn was made by Burg, seconded by Willenbring. Carried 4-0.

Submitted by,
Boni Behnen

October 3,2013
The Bi-monthly Planning and Zoning Meeting did not take place October 3, 2013 at 8:00 PM. Only two members of the voting board were present, so no action could be taken by the board. The next scheduled Planning and Zoning Board Meeting is scheduled for December 5, 2013 at 8:00 PM.

Planning and Zoning Minutes
Munson Township
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
August 1, 2013

The Planning and Zoning bi-monthly meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Vice-Chairman, Orville Willenbring with the following members present: Mike Behnen, Larry Massmann, Matt Burg, Zoning Ad., Lynn Burg, and Secretary. Boni Behnen
Absent: Chairman, Dave Thielen.

Minutes from the June 6, 2013 meeting were read and approved with a motion by Massmann, seconded by Behnen. AIF. Motion carried.

Munson Township Board minutes were read.

Old Business: None

New Business: None

A motion to adjourn was made at 8:40 by Burg, seconded by, Massmann. AIF. Motion carried.

Submitted by,
Boni Behnen

June 6, 2013
Planning and Zoning Minutes
June 6, 2013
8:00 PM

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Zoning Chairman, Dave Thielen with the following members present: Mike Behnen, Orville Willenbring, Larry Massmann, Matt Burg, Zoning Secretary, Boni Behnen.
Absent: Zoning Ad., Lynn Burg

Minutes were read from the April 4, 2013 Planning and Zoning Meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Willenbring, seconded by Massmann. All in favor. Motion carried.

Minutes from the Munson Township board meeting on May 20, 2013 were read.

Old business: None

New business: Thielen had received a call from Jerry Schneider about a variance request. Thielen told him that Lynn Burg takes care of the variance requests and that she was on vacation. Burg did talk to Schneider and he decided to wait until the July town board meeting.

A motion to adjourn was made at 8:30 PM by Willenbring, seconded by Behnen. All in favor. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,
Boni Behnen, Secretary

Planning & Zoning Minutes
April 4, 2013
Munson Township
Planning and Zoning Board Minutes
8:00 PM

The board meeting was called to order at 8:00 PM by Vice-Chairman Orville Willenbring, with the following members present: Mike Behnen, Larry Massmann, Zoning Ad., Lynn Burg, Secretary, Boni Behnen. Absent: Dave Thielen and Matt Burg.

The minutes from the February 7, 2013 meeting were read. A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Massmann, seconded by Behnen. All in favor. Motion carried.

The Munson Township Board minutes from March 18, 2013 were then read.

Mike Behnen said that he had received a call about a road issue. He had forwarded the info to Dan Holthaus. He was wondering if that was the correct procedure? All agreed that that was a issue for the town board and that he had done the right thing.

Lynn Burg had no new permits.

A motion to adjourn was made by Behnen, seconded by Massmann. All in favor. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,
Boni Behnen

Feb 2013 Planning and Zoning Minutes
Planning and Zoning Minutes
February 7, 2013

The bi-monthly meeting was called to order by Chairman, Dave Thielen at 8:00pm. Members present: Larry Massmann, Mike Behnen, Orville Willenbring, Zoning Ad., Lynn Burg, Secretary, Boni Behnen(for Michelle Hemmesch). Absent: Matt Burg.

Minutes from the December 6, 2012 meeting were read. A motion to approve the minutes as read was made by Willenbring, seconded by Massmann. All in favor. Motion carried.

The Munson Township Board minutes were then read. The annexation of the elementary school by the City of Richmond was discussed. The driveway/culvert ordinance adopted by the township board on January 22, 2013 was also discussed. The P & Z members were given a copy of the ordinance.

No new business noted.

A motion to close the meeting was made by Willenbring, seconded by Massmann. All in favor. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted by,
Boni Behnen

Munson Township Planning And Zoning Minutes 2012

Planning and Zoning Minutes
December 6, 2012
DECEMBER 6, 2012

The bi-monthly Munson Township Planning and Zoning Meeting was called to order by Chairman, Mike Behnen at 8:00 PM. The following members were present: Matt Burg, Larry Massmann, & Orville Willenbring, Zoning Ad, Lynn Burg, Secretary, Boni Behnen (sitting in for Michelle Hemmesch) Absent: Dave Thielen

Minutes were read from the Oct 4, 2012 Meeting. A motion to accept the minutes as read, was made by Burg, seconded by Massmann. All in favor. Motion carried.

Munson Township Board minutes were read.

Old business: The board members looked over the maps to grant final approval for the Brian Willamson plat split. They asked questions as to total size etc. A motion to accept and sign the maps was made by Burg, seconded by Massmann. All in favor. Motion carried. The maps were then signed by Township Board Chairman, Dan Holthaus as approved by the Munson Township Board on Nov. 19, 2012.

New business: Mike Behnen and Orville Willenbring asked for re-appointment to the Planning and Zoning Board. Their terms are both ending in 2012. A motion was made by Massmann to appoint Dave Thielen as Chairman and Orville Willenbring as Vice Chair for the year 2013. All in favor. Motion carried.

The Planning and Zoning Board decided to keep their wages the same as 2012.
Wages as follows: $45.00/mtg Chair
$40.00/mtg Board Members
$20.00 Site Fee
Meetings will be kept on an every other month schedule. Beginning the month of February 2013. The bi-monthly meeting notice will be published and posted. A motion to accept the above named terms was made by Willenbring, seconded by Burg, All in favor. Motion carried.

A motion to adjourn was made at 8:30 PM by Burg, seconded by Massmann. All in favor.

Respectfully submitted by,
Boni Behnen

October 4, 2012 Planning and Zoning Minutes

October 4th 2012 Planning and Zoning meeting called to order by Chairman Mike Behnen with the following members: Dave Thielen, Larry Masmann, Zoning Ad Lynn Burg, and secretary Michelle Hemmesch absent; Matt Burg, and Orville Willenbring.

Minutes read from August 2nd monthly meeting and August 20th special meeting a motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Massmann seconded by Thielen all in favor motion carried.

Town Board minutes read

No new bussiness noted from Lynn Burg

Old Bussiness: Thielen questioned if the millings will be removed by the end of the year on the Hardrives pit on the Ruhland property, Hardrives lease runs thru 2013 then everything will need to be removed. NO OTHER BUSSINESS NOTED.

A motion to close meeting was made by Massmann seconded by Thielen all in favor motion carried.

Michelle Hemmesch
P & Z Secretary

August 2, 2012 Planning and Zoning Minutes

August 2nd 2012 Munson Planning and Zoning meeting called to order by co-chairman Dave Thielen with the following members present: Orville Willenbring, Larry Massmann, Matt Burg, Zoning ad Lynn Burg, and secretary Michelle Hemmesch absent: Mike Behnen

Minutes read from June 6th meeting and July 13th Public Hearing a motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Willenbring seconded by Massmann all in favor motion carried.

Minutes read from Town Board meeting

No new business noted from Zoning Administrator Lynn Burg

No new business noted

A motion to close was made by Willenbring seconded by Massmann all in favor motion carried.

June 6, 2012 Planning and Zoning Minutes

June 6th 2012 Planning and Zoning meeting called to order by Chairman Mike Behnen with the following members present: Dave Thielen, Orville Willenbring, Larry Massmann, secretary Michelle Hemmesch, and Zoning ad Lynn Burg.

Minutes read from April meeting A motion to accept the minutes as read was made by Thielen seconded by Massmann All in favor motion carried.

Minutes read from April town board meeting.

Discussed turning in time cards every 6 months the board would like to turn there cards in 6 months at a time. Michelle will ask Bonnie if this is ok.

Discussed election judge training being on 7-10-12 from 7pm-9pm.

No new bussiness from Lynn Burg.

A motion to close meeting was made by Massamnn seconded by Burg all in favor motion carried.

April 5, 2012 P&Z Minutes

April 5th 2012 Planning and Zoning Meeting called to order by Chairman Mike Behnen with the following members present: Dave Thielen, Matt Burg, Orville Willenbring, and Larry Massmann, Secretary Michelle Hemmesch.

Minutes read from February meeting. A motion to accept minutes as written, was made by Burg, seconded by Massmann. All in favor. Motion carried.

Town Board minutes read.

A motion to open Public Hearing for Knife River interim use permit renewal was made by Burg, seconded by Willenbring. All in favor. Motion carried.

Herb Thielen and Holly Brisk present for Knife River to explain renewal of interim use permit for the washing plant on the Hemmesch property. They are not actively using the wash plant at this time but, need the 5 year renewal for future use.

Willenbring asked questions about the holding ponds. They do not have clay bottoms. Is the water being reused or recycled or wasted? Questions about noise from the pit. Hours need to be followed.
Knife River explained that the water is being recycled from the ponds and from the well.
Willenbring asked about #19 24 hour operation request. Knife River would like 24 hour operation. Ordinace states 6am-10pm. Knife River will follow ordinance.

A motion to close public hearing was made by Burg, seconded by Willenbring. All in favor. Motion carried.
Board discussed permit,
Willenbring-in favor, except hours of operation. They need to follow ordinance.
Burg- in favor, except hours of operation.
Massmann- they need to follow ordinance on hours and maintance hours.
Thielen- abstained due to working for Knife River.

A motion to recommend approval of renewing interim use permit for Knife River. Excluding #19 24-hour operation hours. Need to follow ordinance. Motion by Willenbring, seconded by Burg. All in favor. Motion carried.

Discussed election judge training and the need to have more residents trained. Michelle will get training dates for the board.

Motion to close meeting was made by Burg, seconded by Massmann. All in favor. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Michelle Hemmesch

2011 Munson Township Planning and Zoning Minutes

Planning and Zoning 

Minutes from township board meetings are placed on the website once they have been approved, Ex: Minutes from the June board meeting would be placed on the website following their approval at the July meeting.